Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh the fun you can have with makeup!

Sometimes I wonder what I would do without makeup.... seriously! I love makeup and have loved makeup since my 5th birthday where I got my first lip gloss as a present from a neighbor.

They were Bonne Bell lip glosses that were super tiny and one was pink and tasted like cherry and the other was purple and tasted like grapes! They were very tinted lip glosses so I thought I was so cool to have red and purple lips hahaha. I was pretty lucky to have a Mom who let me experiment with makeup at a young age. She would buy me my own lipstick and mascara and let me wear it when I was around 7 or 8. I never was taught how to do makeup I just kind of did it on my own and figured things out as I went.

It didn't click in my head until a few years back that makeup was something I had a passion for and wanted to make my career. As a child I dreamed of being a big CEO of some company and wear business suits I would never ever want that in a million years! I love what I do, I get to make people feel good about themselves, I get to express my creative side and I get to work when I want to!

I am blessed to have found my passion in life because I know that there are many people who are still soul searching. My advice is ask yourself what is one thing I have been passionate about most of my life.... I guarantee you will get an answer.

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